Customer Testimonials

There is nothing more valuable to a company and to its prospective customers than feedback. At Jenste we are lucky to receive many compliments from customers who have experienced an excellent service.

At Jenste we pride ourselves in being able to engineer the most cost effective processes no matter what the end use. We believe that cementing good customer/supplier relations is paramount to good working practices and ensures that we enter into a long-term partnership with any new customer.


“Momentum Circuits are delighted to be a preferred supplier of printed circuit boards to Jenste Ltd. We enjoy a valuable & mutually beneficial relationship supplying FR4 and IMS material thermal management PCBs that are used within the lighting sector primarily.

The Jenste team have many years of pragmatic experience within the assembly and design area with a special emphasis on lighting applications MOMENTUMfrom concept right through to complete box build. Jenste’s fundamental understanding of materials/LED technology has been invaluable in our aim to optimise the specification of all PCBs supplied to all of our lighting customers.

As Momentum Circuits have built an enviable reputation for competence and cost focussed engineering with thermal management circuit boards, Jenste’s design and technical experience adds genuine value to the services that we provide.”

 Keith Wrigley – Managing Director Momentum Circuits Ltd


With Jenste LTD as our manufacturing partner, we have gained the benefit of unparalleled technical expertise at competitive prices and the most progressive solutions to our product from conception through to manufacture.

Jenste have enabled us to meet the toughest deadlines and have presented the team at Jenste for PCB production that is outside the realm of normal board providers. They have met and in some cases exceeded expectations.

UK Medical Equipment Manufacturer


Jenste have been our partner of choice for the manufacture of our range of LED Lighting. The attention to detail and quality is of paramount importance and the team at Jenste has continuously proven to be reliable, responsive and flexible and their ability to work with us to introduce new products in the shortest possible time has always impressed us.

A leading UK LED lighting company